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Ordering Ribbons

Erik's request for some ribbon graphics reminded me that we should probably
order the Ribbons very soon - it does take a while to have them printed up
and shipped out.

I intend (unless someone has another suggestion) to order the ribbons from
Hodges Badges (www.hodgesbadges.com). I had ordered their Catalogue quite
some time ago and they look like they can handle our order well. Their
equestrian rosettes look nice and we can have the AGA logo placed in the
center of the rosette to replace the "horse" image.

Now, Karen and Erik, as AGA MC members - how do you want me to handle this?
I can place the order from here and send them the money for the ribbons and
them submit the bill to the AGA Treasurer (together with the receipts for
postage which I already have on hand) for reimbursement at the end of the
event, OR I can find out the cost and ask the AGA Treasurer to send Hodges
Badges a check directly. It would probably be quicker if I just fronted the
money (it will cost $120.30).

Erik, I will need the BEST image of the AGA logo you can give me for the
center of the rosettes. For the ribbons which fall from the cental rosette
(there are usually three lengths of ribbon), I assume that I should have
"AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest - 2000" imprinted on the
main, central, ribbon. Is there ANY need to get "1st Place - Aquatic
Gardens", "2nd Place - Paludariums", etc. imprinted as well??? This would
probably increase the cost considerably as they would probably charge an
andditional "set-up fee" for each change in wording ($25.00 per). So I'm
thinking of just awarding different rosettes for each of the "places"

My thinking is to order 3 different rosettes - one for all 1st Place awards,
another, slightly smaller one for the 2nd Place awards and another smaller
one for the 3rd Place winner.

On the Hodges Badges web site, please go to the "Equestrian" section.

For all First Place Winners:
The Dorset E2520 - 5" rosette with petals and points; 15" top to bottom; 2"
x 12" streamers. The rosette is normally made with white points and a white
center streamer. (with 12" streamers - $2.95 each)
Wording on central streamer: "AGA International Aquascaping Showcase &
Contest 2000 - First Place"
6 required -
 Setup Charge - $25.00 + 6 x $2.95 =  $42.70

For all Second Place Winners:
The Beauty E2230 - 4-1/2" petaled rosette; 12" top to bottom; 2" x 9"
streamers. (with 12" streamers $2.50each)
Wording on central streamer: "AGA International Aquascaping Showcase &
Contest 2000 - Second Place"
6 required -
 Setup Charge - $25.00 + 6 x $2.50 =  $40.00

For all Third Place Winners:
The Ideal E2130 - 4" across rosette; 12" top to bottom; 2" x 9" streamers.
Our most popular rosette. (with 12" streamers $2.10)
Wording on central streamer: "AGA International Aquascaping Showcase &
Contest 2000 - Third Place"
6 required -
 Setup Charge - $25.00 + 6 x $2.10 =  $37.60

Total Cost of Rosettes/Ribbons - $ 120.30

[For the wording on the streamers, there are a maximum of 10 lines - what I
want to print will use 9 lines, as follows:
Line 1: AGA
Line 2: International
Line 3: Aquascaping
Line 4: Showcase
Line 5: &
Line 6: Contest
Line 7: 2000
Line 8: (blank)
Line 9: First Place]

Since the Best of Show winner will also be one of the top "place" winners,
it might be redundant (as well as more expensive) to have yet another
rosette done up. What about having a plaque made up for the Best of Show????
(http://www.plaquemaker.com/subpl.html). A 6"x8" Cherry plaque with Gold
metal is $17.90, which would be cheaper than the cost of another rosette and
the winner will already have received one rosette for having won their
category. These plaques can handle custom artwork, so we can supply camera
ready artwork for the AGA logo and have them do all of the rest.

I could also order a plaque for "People's Choice Award" at the same time.

Thoughts????? I'll also need suggestions (quickly) for the COLORS of the
1st, 2nd and 3rd place rosettes.

James Purchase

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