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Re: Ordering Ribbons

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> My thinking is to order 3 different rosettes - one for all 1st Place awards,
> another, slightly smaller one for the 2nd Place awards and another smaller
> one for the 3rd Place winner.

Curious, having just gone to the hodgesbadge site to take a look, I had
never heard of using three different types of ribbons for the same
contest.  Color me dense here.  They are vastly different styles... Why
not just use the same style in three different colors?  I've seen a
different style used on "special" awards before, like best of show, but
every show I've seen used thematically similar plaques, ribbons or
trophies for all the other awards (trophies are different, but it usually
involved different-sized pillars or the presence/absence of a decorative
doo-dad on the top).

Aside from that, looks good.  My personal choice for colors would be blue
(1st), red (2nd), and white (3rd), and green for honorable mentions, but
we've been through the color things a year and a half ago. :)

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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