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Suggestions for a future AGA contest (fwd)

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Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 07:56:09 -0500
From: Neil Frank <nfrank@mindspring.com>
To: erik@thekrib.com
Cc: judges@thekrib.com
Subject: Suggestions for a future AGA contest

Erik/James et al,
I was reading the APD and saw the discussion about the contest. I
remembered that I had comments that I made during the judging. They are
contained below. Please pass them to the right people. 
Best wishes, Neil

PS. As time goes on, I am more and more impressed with the entire concept
of the 
contest /showcase. Based on the number and quality of entries, I believe it
was an outstanding success. Now, I want to see tanks in person!!

Suggestions for a future AGA contest 

To make judging easier
        *suggest that the judges load the images onto their hard drive; the 
should use the minimum number of folders (different image sizes) to reduce
storage requirements
        *ask each entrant to pick a full tank view or other "primary" image 
will be used on the index page. If the entrant does not have such an image,
this could be indicated on the index page with an asterik to inform the
judges. The entrant should also select the order in which the images are
        *The full tank view does not have to show the sides of the aquarium as
attempted by #52. However, his digital stitching is a good idea.
        *If entrant submits tank in parts (left, middle right) , entrant should 
encouraged to put them together into a full tank view (maybe require
this?)... perhaps entrant can pay to have organizers do it? 
        * Suggest that entrant try to represent at least 80-90 % of tank with 
view; somehow, qualify full tank view with drawing (e.g. 2 rectangles) to
show portion of tank shown.(this idea would also be useful for the showcase
to better communicate the tank layout and contents)
        *allow judges to upload scores from spread sheet. 
        * It would be helpful if each judge can to see their own scores on the
index page to review them as they are entered.

Other judging experiences/suggestions
        *"Next entry" button did not work consistently.
        *Altough not specifically needed for judging,  the layout diagrams were
very useful to explain the contents
        *Make the best of show and honorable mention judging rules known in
advance. This way, the judges will know if they should evaluate each class
independently, or as part of the overall show. Also, will honorable mention
and best of show selections be based on the initial scores or will the
judges be asked to make separate selections. 

*Need more distinction among classes - paludarium is clear, nature habitat
is not. Perhaps it should require representative plants and fishes - should
imitate nature, not artistic interpretation.This would have given the
mangrove tank an edge. However, the judges may not be sufficiently familiar
with natural habitat to make this assessment. No other ideas now, except
that I recognize it is a problem. 

*Should put the supper large tanks - say, > ~400L in a separate category.
This is a special challenge.

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