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Amano's International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2001. (fwd)

Hi guys... OK, first resist the urge to throw a brick through the monitor.
Then look and see what we can get/learn from this: Amano's contest has
been announced.  I have put a link to it on the AGA page (with offhand
snide editorial comment about them calling it the "First International
Aquatic Layout Contest").  

So, first the catty "we're better" impressions: Personally, looking at
their rules, I think they have not thought it through nearly as well as we
did, and they're going to run into trouble with their extremely vague
guidelines.  They only require one slide, and ask for ONLY slides...
they're clearly looking for pub-quality stuff.  Definitely a different
angle than ours.  My guess is they won't have this stuff available on
their website the way we have.  Probably publish it in a book or magazine.

OK, but: First prize is 1 million yen, nothing to sneer about.

They have a LOT of judges all over the world, though their choice of old
guys is interesting, perhaps a Japanese "respect" thing (Notice the choice
of the elder and bigger-name Windelov instead of Christensen, and Herbert
R. Axelrod for the US, who IMO is nothing but a name).  Only overlap is
Kaspar Horst.

Note from Neil's forwarded message, they do acknowledge our contest and
send us congratulations.  I still wonder if Amano even got our request for
him to be a judge.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 06:27:55 -0500
From: Neil Frank <nfrank@mindspring.com>
Subject: Amano's International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2001. 

I received this information from Nozomi Hayakawa of ADA. It contains
information about Amano's International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2001. 

If you do not have any objections (and despite the fact that he claims his
was first :-), I suggest that our webmaster Erik announce it on the AGA
page. Notice that the prize is JPY1,000,000 (~$10,000(US)). Also notice
that the only US magazine said to "introduce" the winners is TFH and
Axelrod is the US judge. Also, no magazine in the UK.

Hope you all have a happy new year!

I have seen your aquarium layout contest on your web-site. Congratulations
for the success of the contest!
Our company is now hosting international aquatic plants layout contest. The
closing date for entry is March 31, 2001, and we will award grand prize
winner, cash prize of JPY1,000,000- We wish to have as many applicant from
the U.S. as possible. 
I really appreciate if you could cooperate for this event. We wish you
could appeal this event to your AGA club members through e-mail, or on your
AGA web-site. We also would like to ask you to set up the link to our
contest site from your homepage. 
Of course you can send your aquarium layout pictures for the contest. 
If necessary, we also have English handbill for free distribution.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Nozomi Hayakawa
Aqua Design Amano Co., Ltd.

Content-Location: http://www.adana.co.jp/images/the_cont.jpg
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