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Self promotion

Hi Folks,

I've started reading through the archives of the list from last year, taking
notes where appropriate. I liked the fact that (out of necessity probably)
things were "simplified" slightly from the first year's event, and I'm also
finding little tidbits that should prove helpful to us this year (or at
least, helpful to me...).

One thing comes to mind.....regarding "promotion". During the planning
leading up to the first Showcase/Contest, I had hoped to be able to get
coverage of our event in all of the major aquarium magazines. Letters and
information was sent to all of the ones I could locate addresses for (in the
U.S., in the U.K. and in Germany). While I heard that AFM did give it a
mention, I was unable to find it (AFM's retail presence in Toronto has
become very spotty, so I may have just been unable to locate the issue where
the event was listed). After the fact, we received a beautiful spread of
photographs and article in Aquarium Heute (edited by Kaspar Horst) in

I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile, right now, to contact Kaspar and
ask for permission to post that article, in both HTML and in perhaps as PDF
(not everyone would want to download the article) on the Contest web site.
The AGA has a member here in Ontario who has done translation work for them
in the past, maybe I could ask him to translate the article as well (if he
has time - he's an accountant by trade and if its left too late he might get
swamped doing tax returns).

This _might_ provide some incentive for the American and British based
magazines to pay a bit more attention to our event this year - if we can
demonstrate that the foreign press was impressed enough to cover it).

What do people think?

James Purchase

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