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RE: Karen and stuff

Hi Karen,

"Glad to hear you're back, and even gladder to hear you're well!  As you
know, I'm pretty busy with TAG these days, and I'm also working on the
convention committee.  So I don't know how much I can contribute directly to
the contest.  I'm happy to stay on the list if you want in an advisory
capacity.  It's up to you... if you'd rather have only people who are
"active workers" on the list, that's fine with me too!"

Please don't go anywhere! I understand that you are busy but you've got too
much common sense and experience to not be a valuable presence here.

Now that we are entering our "third year", I think that it might be time to
think about setting up "department heads" (forgive me, I was a Civil Servant
for too long...) to oversee some of the major tasks we have ahead of us. If
we can block out the various areas which need work and get people to
undertake to organize those tasks, I think that the event will benefit from
the more orderly workflow. During the preplanning stages I sometimes felt
(and sounded, as I re-read the archives) like a chicken with his head cut
off, running everywhere and squalking wildly in my confusion as I tried to
handle most things myself. I don't see the need for any rigid structure, but
some form of delegation is definately in order.

I'll have more to say on this after I've finished re-reading the archives
and figured out a tentative list of "to-do" items.

James Purchase

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