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RE: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #474

Welcome back, James!  I agree about the participation.  Heck, I might
even enter this year. <grin>  I haven't had any tanks ready to go due to
moving, etc., and I'm moving again in May this year (that's 4 times in 5
years, folks), but I will try.

Let me know if you need anything.  I think I've traditionally prepared
some Acrobat stuff in the past and sent out email based on the contact
info we've gathered to date.  I still have all that stuff, but I don't
think I have it posted on the web.  I'll check within the next couple of
days and let you all know, probably post a link.  I've got my own domain
and web server now, so I could help out with web space too.  Have you
ever mirrored the site, Erik, or is that just completely unnecessary?

One other thing we might want to consider publicity-wise, and maybe some
others did this in the past, I didn't, is to send out some snail mail
flyers to fish clubs and LFS's.  Not sure if we have the budget for it,
but it's something to think about.

I will also be changing up my subscribed email accounts to the listserv
here, but that shouldn't affect anyone. 

-Dave VanderWall 
still moving in Minneapolis, MN 

-----Original Message----- 
From: owner-aga-contest-digest@thekrib.com 
[ mailto:owner-aga-contest-digest@thekrib.com
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Sent: Wednesday, 06 March, 2002 05:12 
To: aga-contest-digest@thekrib.com 
Subject: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #474 

Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 19:34:55 -0500 
From: "James Purchase" <jppurchase@rogers.com> 
Subject: I'm Baaaaack........... 


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