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RE: Convention


"30 days was just a little bit too tight for the judging last year.
Didn't have time for the judges to choose the best of show (I ended up
using the overall rankings), because the last judge turned in his scores
literally the day before I left for the convention.  Remember also back in
2000 that one of the judges turned out to be on vacation for the first
half month!"

Yes, I agree that 30 days makes things tight - I could even go with a
September 01, 2002 closing date - that would give us 2 full months for
judging and final wrap up. Just "pick a date" that you think would allow
sufficient time to get done what must be done without anyone feeling rushed.

"I don't know if they're planning to do Houston the same way they did
Chattanooga, but in other "fish" clubs they announce awards and such at
the banquet.  In these other conventions, the banquet is Saturday night.
But in Chattanooga, the banquet was Friday night.  I tried very hard to be
able to do the announcements on Friday, but technical problems getting the
projector and screen approved for the banquet room prevented me, so I
ended up doing it on Saturday."

Wait a minute - if the Convention isn't going to be in Chatanooga, WHO is
organizing it this year???? I'll need to know asap to be able to coordinate
how vendor contacts are going to be handled - I don't want a repeat of the
year one situation where we got the gravy and Charlene was left with less
than she hoped for. I think that by working together with the Convention
organizers we can benefit BOTH events in areas of mutual interest. I also
don't see the need (I may be wrong here) for the sorts of multiple item
prize packages for the Contest - the majority of the stuff we collect can
probably be earmarked for the Convention, but I'm probably better at dealing
with the potential donors (i.e. "shaking them down") than whoever did it
last year, at least as far as prize donations go. This area is one which is
probably going to need MOST of my attention this year.

"Another thing was that I planned to "flip the switch" on the website just
after my presentation, but was so utterly busy running A/V things that I
never got a chance to do it until I got home the next day."

Those sorts of snaffus are to be expected and really minor - so people had
to wait a few extra hours.....I wouldn't worry about it.

James Purchase

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