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Magazine Contacts

Last year I jumped in midstream and tried to do some promo with the 
magazines. One of the problems I ran into was, even when I had an address or 
phone number enabling me to e-mail, snail mail or fax them one of our well 
done Press Kits, there was no simple way to verify that they had gotten it, 
ask if they had any questions, or to ensure they understood what it was and 
how it might be of benefit to them. IOW, I couldn't "sell" the contest much 
because I had no actual contact person within each org. to communicate with.

IMHO, an actual contact person of some type at each pub would be a big, big 
help in personalizing our liaison with them and ensuring better press. I 
realize this is overstating the obvious but it bears repeating.

Now, exactly how to go about securing this valuable info from the various 
magazines in different languages with separate management hierarchies - I 
have no good ideas as yet. If we do happen to obtain this info we definitely 
need to record it so that the following year we, or our predecessors, will 
have a contact person or department instead of just an e-mail address to work 
with. We realize, of course, that jobs and people move about but usually they 
have a replacement. 

Now, with this new idea of reciprocating promo with the pubs and links in the 
AGA Contest site as bait -- such info might be more forthcoming in this and 
following years. Actually, with Mr. Amano's involvement in the closely linked 
AGA Convention last year, I can well imagine this contest being taken more 
seriously this year and the AGA seen more as a force to be reckoned with. 
Even though people got the two ventures confused a bit, (yea, even the people 
promoting them), maybe this was a good thing after all. Lets face it: most 
money making ventures have to be convinced that it is in their economic best 
interest to do so before much time or energy is expended in any direction, 
especially someone else's contest. 

Bob Olesen

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