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RE: Botanical Illustration and Photography Tips


Regarding the inclusion of Botanical Illustrations in the Contest as a
category, the idea is merely a "floater" for me at this point - I don't know
if there are any members of the AGA or the APD who actually "do it", either
as an adjunct to their hobby or professionally. All I know is that I REALLY
appreciate Botanical Illustration as an "art form" and think that it might
"fit" in with the Contest as a separate category.

I am also motivated by the possibility of the AGA getting access to a
library of illustrations which we could use for our own purposes - such as
in TAG. I have always liked the Aponogeton drawing which is used as the logo
for the AGA and like it even more now that Erik (I'm assuming it was Erik)
has "re-worked" it on the main AGA web site. Having access to other
illustrations could be very useful.

Maybe I should ask the question on both the aga-member list and the APD to
see if there is  any widespread interest in such a thing and/or if there
would likely be any submissions if we added the category. I have found a
number of "hits" on the web to groups of artists who specialize in botanical
illustration - maybe if we approached them, we could get some professionally
done material submitted.

Regarding the inclusion of more information regarding digital photography on
the Contest web site, I'm all for it.  I found a wonderful article called
"All About Scanning" in the March 2002 issue of Petersen's Photographic.
Unfortunately, they don't have the article available online on their web
site, but I could always contact them to see if I could obtain permission to
have it posted on ours.

I would like to re-work the entire "Resources" section of the web site
(providing that Erik is willing of course), making it more useful.

James Purchase

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