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RE: for the AGA


"So perhaps such a group would be a good idea.  Anyone who volunteers for
such a group would need to be doing so FOR THE AGA, not for any particular
event, and would need to enjoy contacting industry people.  David and
yourself and Bob to start maybe?"

Yes, I definitely concur with the thought that anything done is done first
and foremost "FOR THE AGA" and can also foresee difficulty in getting
volunteers due to the fact that it would probably be seen as "grunt work"
rather than "glamorous".

I'm also really interested in seeing it done in public (i.e. in a central
place where anyone interested can contribute and comment) as opposed to
being carried out in private and individually and independently (too much of
a possibility of duplication of effort and self-serving interests).

Shaking up the membership and getting them to actually get off their duffs
to do something might be a problem - we definitely need to motivate them.
I've noticed a distinct swing on the APD where newer (and supposedly
younger) hobbyists are displaying an annoying "gimme attitude" - they ask
totally basic questions which have been answered time and time again and for
which the answers could easily be found by a little searching through the
archives. When the more seasoned members fail to "jump to" with detailed
individual responses quickly enough, these brats have the gall to berate us!
No wonder a lot of us don't post as often any more. Tom Barr deserves a
medal for his patience!

James Purchase

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