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1999-2000 contact info

I'm not sure what Erik sent you, James, so, as promised, I am making the
'99-2000 inforamtion available on-line.

Last year I just went through and email some of the organizations, but I was
not as involved due to other personal issues, and did nothing to try to
further clean up the lists.  This year I will try to go through and clean
things up a bit, and combine the information with any other info that anyone
else has, unless someone else wants to volunteer for this.

Due to computer reconfigurations and a rather poor backup strategy, I don't
think I have any of the original Access databases or anything.  Just HTML
stuff.  I also still don't have Jim Capelle's stuff available on the site.
Email me if you need a copy, but I think we figured that info wasn't what we
really needed.

Here's the link:


This is a "hidden" area, so there is no link from the main vanderwall.org
site.  You will have to type in that URL exactly as you see it, or just
click the link.

Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN

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