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RE: Address change and or renewal

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Jack O'Leary wrote (to some guy):
> We strongly discourage you from sending credit card information via email,
> as it is unsecure.  We do not
> yet have a secure way to process credit card information on-line.

Question folks.  I was thinking it might be time to set up a PayPal
account for the AGA.  They skim 30 cents per transaction, plus 2.2 percent
of the cost (I think).  We can set it up that the money gets transferred
to a bank account, I beleive.  But it's really nice because it's all done
online, works with credit cards, and we can put links directly from AGA
pages.  It would CERTAINLY be nice for the contest, where the option for
the entrants overseas is only to send us a check for $5.  It costs more
than that just to get it drawn up and sent!  We could certainly have
multiple accounts for multiple purposes, but the BEST (IMHO) is to have a
single account for membership, back issues, and contest entries, where the
e-mail goes to Diana, me, and Jack.  Or maybe different e-mail aliases for
different purposes.  Anyway, if someone on these lists would like to
investigate this, that'd be great.  Otherwise, I have it on my list for
"one of these days". :)

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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