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Its coming up on the date for the Northeast Council Workshop - I think Erick
said it happens on the weekend of April 12th? If Erik or Karen wants to make
an announcement there, that would start to get the "word" out. I can make a
posting on the APD on Sunday, Apr. 14th., kicking off the Contest in cyber

We settled "dates" a while ago. According to my records, this is what we
decided to go with:

Closing date for entries - September 15th, 2002
Announcement of Winners - @ the AGA Convention, November 8-10, 2002 in
Houston Texas followed ASAP by the web site going live with the entries.

New categories - I suggested 2 new categories for this year, Botanical
Illustration and Garden Ponds. Before these are made "official", I want to
know if there are any objections/comments.

The Botanical Illustration suggestion got a lot of positive feedback, so its
a "go" as far as I'm concerned. Any media, any approach, so long as the
subject is an aquatic plant. People will be asked to submit photos or scans,
NOT original artwork. If we get enough submissions, we can sort the entries
based on types, otherwise they just get displayed together.

I suggested Garden Ponds as the other "additional" category and only got one
comment - while it might not be "aquascaping" as an aquarist thinks of it,
there is a lot of artistry involved and I'd be willing to see photos of
either entire ponds or of a single waterlily blossom entered into this
category. Again, entries could be sorted based upon submissions received.

Anthony - I thought you wanted to write your own article??? I haven't
written anything for clubs yet - Dave is still putting together the listing
of clubs to contact I believe. Let me know if you want me to write somethign
for you or if you want to do it yourself.


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