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Re: Announcement

Hi James & co,

Though I could announce it at the NEC, I most likely cannot have the 
website ready for another week or so.  Tomorrow is our local club's big 
auction, and after that I'll be scrambling to put together the "second" 
presentation for NEC (aka AGA summary stuff).

Here's a brief set of things I think are needed to take the website "live":

        * Finalize the new categories
        * New graphic for bumper
        * Updated list of "resources", if desired
        * Move 2001 contest to "archived" state
        * Updated press releases and vendor request letters
        * create new entry form from updated online version (mostly 

If I get some time I'll try and take care of the web bits, but at the 
moment it's real crazy.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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