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RE: PDF (and site?)

Typo's I can fix - I thought you were referring to a complete overhaul of
the poster. It tend to favour "clean, spare" design, I don't like things
that get too "busy".

But I can do the changes you suggest with no porblems.

Regarding Pay Pal, I dunno - I tried repeatedly to get registered with that
outfit 2 years ago to sell off the big tank and I never could manage it (to
get registered properly). I just don't trust it - maybe they have cleaned up
their act and made it more user friendly for those who don't live in the
U.S., but I don't know.

I'm nervous about having one address to send stuff to and another address to
send money to - it just adds to the confusion. There is a Post Office in
every country in the world and as far as I know they ALL sell money orders
in any currency that you want. Its simple and cheap.

James Purchase

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