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RE: Participation and PayPal

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Dave VanderWall wrote:

> Mostly I bring it up now because the information (really just an email
> address that can accept PayPal payments) will have to be included in the
> press kit and on the web site.  If we don't do it now, we probably can't
> accept PayPal this year.

Actually, it's not so bad.  We've changed the website midstream before, 
and we can do it again.  All it means is that on the online entry forms we 
add a couple lines about paying through paypal, like you say, by including 
an e-mail address for payments, maybe even a link that automates discovery 
of the entrant ID.  Given that everyone waits until September 15th to 
enter anyway, we have a bit of time for this.

Let's see if David Lass gets on the ball, and if he doesn't, we'll just 
set it up next week.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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