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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #530

Hi Erik,

Actually, I think he WAS trying to be positive.  And I think we all agree
that the pond/art categories were a bust.

As far as the cichlid tank is concerned, I can justify that either way.  In
a way, it IS an AGA contest, so I wouldn't have a huge problem if there was
a caveat that all tanks had to include plants.  OTOH, I kind of think that
biotope aquariums are an important sub-category that should be supported
just because they are a worthy goal, just like paludariums.

Also, remember that in this particular case, if the Senskes had wanted to
enter this category, and had been told that the tank had to include plants,
they certainly have access to more large plants than the average person.
They would have had no trouble getting and installing a stand of Valisneria
on one end of the tank, just for long enough to do the photo shoot.  They
could have been biotopically correct AND had plants with very little effort.

If you asked me MY opinion, (oh, you didn't... well here it is anyway!<g>)
I'd get rid of the "natural" part of the designation, and judge them AS
biotope tanks, without apology.  If a biotope doesn't include plants, but is
true to the biotope, that's OK with me.  I was pleased to see that this
year, whether thy made mistakes or took liberties with their
interpretations, ALL the tanks in this categoy at least made an effort to
comply with the spirit of this category.


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