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[AGA Contest] test site is up... please feel free to play!

Hi folks,

Thanks to Phil giving me the virtual kick in the pants by posting an
advance notice (and me having a day and a half of kid-free time), I've
been working my tail off on the site today.  After several hours, I have a
"rough" of the logo (it needs frames... you'll see what I mean when you
see the site) and a test version of the website.

Go ahead and peek at a "test" version of the site, at 


Don't worry about playing... I will be wiping the database clean after the
test and starting new.  So go ahead and try to break things.  Feel free to
enter pictures of your dog or cat if you want, or bogus e-mail addresses.  
Just let me know what breaks!

What's new:  I added a "biotope guidelines" page using Roger's thing to
start, removing some of the verbage.  I also provided a link to Steven's
page, and want to include any other biotope-related resources.  (And I
feel like a dork -- I AGAIN can't find the messages with the links some of
you mailed me last month).  So, please re-mail any useful URL's.

What's missing: in addition to the alternate banners (which I'll do after
I finish the main logo), I don't have the brochure and poster yet.  
That'll have to be another day. :)


  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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