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Re: [AGA Contest] various replies, incl judging...


I said:
"I agree that the "place" aquascapes need to be determined by the judges rankings. However, I feel that such rankings should be based on the raw score of each tank, from each judge."

I meant:
Place (1st-3rd) should be determined not by which tank received the most votes for #1 but by the average of the actual numerical scores given to the aquascape by each judge.

for example:
Judge A: 100, Judge B: 98, Judge C: 94, Judge D: 95, Judge E: 99

rather than

Judge A: 1st, Judge B: 1st, Judge C: 2nd, Judge D: 2nd, Judge E: 1st

We've got a numerically based scoring process if my memory serves me this morning. If we determine placement by the number of 1sts, 2nds, and/or 3rds given an aquascape by the judges why bother with scoring them at all? If we've already got the numerical scores for each aquascape why not use them? The example of the Biotope getting the most 1st place votes by the judges, yet not getting Best of Show is the perfect example. If placement had been determined solely on score would that aquascape have been best of show? Would James' tank have been? As I said before, by scoring a design the judges have given their opinion and had their say. There should be no need to go back and discuss results etc unless there is a tie in the average score for any two or more design(s).


Thanks for the clarification on the process.

I do have a question though, if we're determining the overall best of the bunch how is it not correct to compare the scores of aquascapes from the different categories? Isn't that what we're doing although in a different manner?

Also, going back to my above idea about using score vs. [place]ment voting. Perhaps I'm being to idealistic and naive, but when we're scoring each aquascape, shouldn't we be scoring it, and ultimately ranking it, based upon the merits and faults of the design alone and not how it compares to the others in the category? Yes, some aquascapes will be superior to others in each category and those designs will get a higher score and potentially earn that design a "place". I'm seeing this process as something akin to an Olympic event where the gymnast performs individually and the judges score the participant individually based upon how well his/her performance matches the expectations of the judges for that event. Once all participants have finished the scores are compared and the gold, silver, and bronze medals are then given to the top three athletes. They're not judged against the performance of the other participants, and I feel very strongly that we should not be doing it either. It's completely unfair to all the participants.

I realize I may be arguing for mechanisms that are already in place but if I'm going to be involved in this process I want to make sure that I give as much input as possible, as much for Erik's sake as mine. The discussion on biotopes went so fast and was so "rousing" that I wasn't able to keep up and give an opinion, which isn't fair to Erik and any other administrators. The more feedback he/they get the more informed he is and the better able he is to do his part and/or help the judges see eye to eye.

Thanks guys,

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