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Re: [AGA Contest] more more from karen

On Mon, 24 May 2004 14:10:53 -0700 (PDT), Karen wrote

> I think, in different ways, both Roger and I are agreeing 
> with Erik... that what we have works pretty well.

I agree.  What we have works pretty well.  The only beef I ever had was about
the way judge's ranks are combined.  After a recent exchange with Erik it
seems like my alternative may not be as much of an improvement as I thought. 
We'll see, I hope.

If we need anyone to generalize about what judges do then that might be Erik.
 He hasn't judged any of the contests but he's administered all of them, he's
seen all the judge's scores and methods and carried the responsibility of
resolving the conflicts.

For my part, I based my scoring method on the principles I was taught to judge
Tae Kwon Do competitions.  A score of less than 50% of the full range is an
insult to the competitor; I wouldn't score anything less than 50% of the full
range unless I found an entry somehow offensive.  That hasn't happened.
Amusing, yes.  Offensive, no.

I also don't think I would know perfection if I saw it, so I'm very careful
about awarding very high scores.  I rarely if ever awarded the highest score
possible in any category.

When Erik first opened up the judge's site for the 2002 contest I posted a
letter to the judge's list describing how I intended to score the tanks
(something like the two paragraphs above).  I hoped to come to some kind of
mutual understanding with the other judges about what approach we would use
and/or what scale would be used.  I don't recall that anyone replied to that

I judge "on the curve"; the entries in a category are ranked against each
other more than they are against a standard.

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