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Re: [AGA-Contest] AGA Aquascaping Contest: Entry Incomplete

Just for the record, ADG has NOT entered any tanks with other peoples' names in order to increase the total number. One or two years, they did enter some tanks created by Jeff, some created by Mike (who has a distinctly different style -- and tend towards rockwork focus), and one created by another fellow named Lee or something. They were NOT all Jeff Senske creations, and he was very careful to point this out. This became very clear to anyone who attended the Houston convention in 2002. Jeff was also overly sensitive to (in my opinion, unjustified) criticisms ("they always win", "they are the entire paludarium category", etc), and began scaling back severely, to the point where in the past few years one only sees one or two from the entire organization.

I don't know if there are others who have been accused of this, but that is at least what I understand of the ADG situation.

  - Erik

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Phil Edwards wrote:

Once I get my house and important stuff in order and tanks all up and running 
I'm going to
have more than 3 running.  I'm fairly certain that at this point my technique 
is so far
behind the A-list that I'd never win, but I still want to enter all my tanks 
for the sake of
support.  I wouldn't be surprised if there are a number of people like me out 
there who
either have more than 3 tanks or over the course of the year have more than
3 different aquascapes to enter. 
It's really bugged me in the past to see people enter aquascapes they've done 
under a
different person's name (ADG comes to mind) in order to bypass the 3 per person 
rule.  I'm in
wholehearted agreement with the spirit behind the limitation and think it 
should be
maintained for competition.  However, seeing as this is a showcase of 
aquascapes, limiting
entries seems a little counterproductive. 
What if we limited the number of entries to be judged in the competition to 3 
and then let
folks have as many Comment Only/Non-judged entries as they'd like?  I realize 
that some folks
will still try to circumvent the rules if they're so inclined, but it would 
give those of us
who otherwise wouldn't an opportunity to show off more than 3 aquascapes.  
I'd even be
willing to pay the entry fee for all the non-judge entries I'd submit.
But, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. :) 


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 07:35:31 -0700
From: shieber@yahoo.com
To: aga-contest@thekrib.com
Subject: Re: [AGA-Contest] AGA Aquascaping Contest: Entry Incomplete

Thanks, Erik. I wish I could remember all those archives I read.
I know there's a long and well suffered history to the design of the contest. I 
doubt that
the siutaion has changed much since then. That is, the lower limit is still 
more egalitarian
even if not necesarily more conducive to getting entries. Or, to put it anohter 
way, with the
lower limit, it's more of a skill competition and less of a lottery. I guess 
I'd go status
quo unless someone knows of a reason to change. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Erik Olson <erik@thekrib.com>
To: AGA Aquascaping Contest Planning <aga-contest@thekrib.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:19:59 AM
Subject: Re: [AGA-Contest] AGA Aquascaping Contest: Entry Incomplete

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, S. Hieber wrote:

> Is it to prevent a rout of the less well-healed or amateur aquarists by
> the pros or compulsive fanatics?

Yes, I believe that was the reason.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com
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