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[AGA Member] convention DVDs.

On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Paula Hofmann wrote:

> I'm also going to order the convention DVD.  Yes, I went to the web sites, 
> but the article inspired me to order it.

I guess I'd better make more!  Was wondering why suddenly there were 
orders again.

Incidentally, there's a secret bonus featurette on the DVD that, in my
infinite nerdiness, I made just a little TOO secret, and nobody was
actually able to find.  So here:  Insert Disc 2.  Go to the "focus groups"  
menu.  Immediately hit the "Up" button while the Luis Navarro's talk is
highlighted.  This highlights the Convention logo in the lower right
portion of the screen.  Hit enter, but do it quick because the menu
recycles every 10 seconds.  I make no claim for the quality of the
narration, though!

Next time, clearly I need to have a large blinking arrow that says "click 
HERE for the secret bonus featurette."

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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