I think one particular factor is also important. Since fluorescent lamps are enlongated over the majority of the surface area, any point in the bottom has an equivalent point at the surface WITH a light source, that way you have (at least) almost vertical light beams from top to bottom in all the water column. Spot lights on the other hand will produce high refraction on the sides of the tank, thus making it harder to light the borders of the substrate. This in only regarding the "fluorescent" difference from other lamps, in pure light terms you'll have what has been written already, exponential loss of light, from red to blue... First you lose your reds, then your yellows, greens, cyans and finally blues and violets... cheers ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to majordomo@thekrib.com with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-member/