I have seen references on occasion to behavioural plasticity in Apistogramma, in that males have been noted to assist females in the guarding of fry in a scenario where the young may be particularly under threat. Where certain stimuli are present this alternative behaviour pattern may be triggered, to ensure a better chance for survival of at least some of a male's progeny. We currently have some A. steindachneri in a well stocked display aquarium. It will be interesting to observe their behaviour if and when they start to reproduce. Pete Liptrot Bolton Museum Aquarium Le Mans Crescent, Bolton BL1 1SE 01204 332200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!