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Re: unusual behavior

To add to this line of comments, I've found that my German Blue Rams
gave me some interesting behavior for dwarf Cichlids.   

With each spawn the male would coax the female to a certain spot in the
tank to spawn and after spawning would chase the female away.   He
wouldn't let her near the eggs at all. He did all the work fanning the
eggs, moving the fry after the hatched to a different spot and then
guarding the batch of fry once they become free swimming.   Only once
did he allow the female anywhere near the fry once they became free
swimming.   Weird part is each time after the fry were free swimming for
about 4 days he would devour the whole group of them.   I got to the
point where I would let him fan the eggs, move the wigglers to a secure
spot then 2 days after the fry were up and swimming I would have to
remove him along with the female to get some fry to be able to grow out.
Anyone else have this problem with their Rams.    


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