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Re: mixed species tank

Hi John,

I've got a mixed species tank that is a jungle with lots of wood etc.  There
are Apisto borelliis, corys, clown loaches, gouramis (4 species),  harlequin
rasboras and I can't remember what all else.  Right now some guppies as

Until I put a Satanoperca leucosticta in there, the borelliis could spawn
and raise their broods successfully.  Old 'shovelmouth' seems immune to
apisto attacks, so there's no fry anymore.  But clown loaches and corys made
a wide berth for the apisto parents.  I wouldn't mix apisto species in the
same tank.  I tried cacatoides with aggies and it was deadly.  Same with
cacatoides and borelliis.  Within minutes, I had to remove one of the

I'd like to take 'shovelmouth' out of there, but she's a crafty character.
And besides, I have no where else to keep her.  She's awful big.  And no,
she has not destroyed the decor at all.  But she likes to chase loaches
except she must have got spiked with their suborbital spine at some point,
because she'll take a run at them and stop about an inch or so away.  The
revenge of the loaches.  She butts the gouramis and they couldn't care less.
They keep on doing whatever they want inspite of her activities.  All in all
a big nuisance, but like a dog whose bark is bigger than his bite.


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