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Re: mixed species tank


Satanoperca in a planted tank, yiks!!!
I had some beautiful little satanoperca fry I brought back from Brazil,
but figured if I put them in Erik's planted tank...the marriage would be
threatened.  So, instead I passed them onto Lee Newman.


On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, alex pastor wrote:

> Hi John,
> I've got a mixed species tank that is a jungle with lots of wood etc.  There
> are Apisto borelliis, corys, clown loaches, gouramis (4 species),  harlequin
> rasboras and I can't remember what all else.  Right now some guppies as
> well......sigh.
> Until I put a Satanoperca leucosticta in there, the borelliis could spawn
> and raise their broods successfully.  Old 'shovelmouth' seems immune to
> apisto attacks, so there's no fry anymore.  But clown loaches and corys made
> a wide berth for the apisto parents.  I wouldn't mix apisto species in the
> same tank.  I tried cacatoides with aggies and it was deadly.  Same with
> cacatoides and borelliis.  Within minutes, I had to remove one of the
> 'contestants'.
> I'd like to take 'shovelmouth' out of there, but she's a crafty character.
> And besides, I have no where else to keep her.  She's awful big.  And no,
> she has not destroyed the decor at all.  But she likes to chase loaches
> except she must have got spiked with their suborbital spine at some point,
> because she'll take a run at them and stop about an inch or so away.  The
> revenge of the loaches.  She butts the gouramis and they couldn't care less.
> They keep on doing whatever they want inspite of her activities.  All in all
> a big nuisance, but like a dog whose bark is bigger than his bite.
> Gabriella
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