After the ACA convention I started out with 6 German blue rams in a 15 gallon tank. Today I have one great breeding pair. That's all that's left. My fault as I should have watched them much closer. Anyway the first two spawns never lasted more than 3 days free swimming. Now I have 3 tanks of fry! They breed on an inverted 4" clay "cactus" pot. They don't pay much attention to the eggs until I begin to see eye spots then mostly the male takes care of them until the wiggler stage when he moves them to a corner of the tank. Then the female takes her turn but they are not really that attentive until they become free swimming. At this time they both keep them together. Once the fry start to roam all over the tank, about two weeks, I remove the pair to a new tank and within a week or two they have eggs again. I keep no other fish in any of my breeding tanks. Hope this helps. You may e-mail me at Don ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!