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Re: Newbie with some questions about kribs

Sandy Erickson wrote:

> Also wondering if the albino pair is rare.

It sounds like things are going well with your kribs.
As far as the albinos go, locally (Montreal) I'll often see dozens of
albinos for every full color krib. It seems easier to sell the 'novelty'
of the albino fish than to wait for the wild-form to colour up.
They are always sold as rare by the clerks, who believe it, but one of
the local wholesalers brings them in by the hundreds.
There was even an enterprising LFS that sold albino pulcher as
subocellatus - at twice the price for the rarity. It was kind of hard to
tell, but a club member bred them and I was able to raise some full
colour fry, into very nice pulcher...
-Gary Elson

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