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Re: FW: Newbie with some questions about kribs Part II


Your Kribs are going through the right motions. Expect spawning to occur soon. I
highly recommend Linke & Staeck's "African Cichlids I: Cichlids from West
Africa". It is published by Tetra Press. Any pet store or book store can get it
for you.

Mike Wise

Sandy Erickson wrote:

> Thanks everyone for the answer to my earlier questions.
> This evening, the female has started bending her body toward the male and
> wiggling slightly - extending the center of her body toward him.  This is
> the first time I've seen her perform tha ttype of movement.  The male looks
> as though he's not quite sure what to do - he just observes her.
> Does the female krib lay eggs first and then the male fertilizes them? I
> realize that I have no information about the actual breeding habits.  Any
> good books one can pick up about the breeding habits of pelvicachromis
> pulcher?
> They sure are interesting fish to observe and learn about!
> Sandy Erickson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
> [mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of Scott Olson
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 8:42 PM
> To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
> Subject: Re: FW: Newbie with some questions about kribs
> It sounds like you may have a spawn soon...but it also sounds as though
> you're not certain that you have a true pair.  If your male is truly a male,
> he should have longer extensions on the dorsal and anal fins than the female
> shows.  Also, if the fish are the same age, male kribs are noticeably larger
> than females.
> At any rate, pelvicachromis females normally develop HUGE bellies just
> before spawning, and the abdominal area intensifies in color.  I'd say the
> excavating is a good sign.
> Feed a lot of high-protein food, such as diced earthworms and frozen
> bloodworms, along with brine shrimp nauplii, if available. Water changes
> help, too.
> Kribs are one of the easier dwarf cichlids to spawn, in my experience.
> Albino kribs are not rare.  Personally, I MUCH prefer wild-type fish to
> captive 'sports' like albinos, long-finned varieties, etc.  Just my
> preference, though.
> Good luck,
> Scott
> >From: "Sandy Erickson" <sandy00@earthlink.net>
> >
> >
> >Recently, I purchased a female and male pelvicachromis pulcher.  They were
> >not a known breeding pair.  Both of them are about 2" in length and the
> >female's belly is quite red/purplish.  I introduced them into a tank (by
> >themselves) with two caves in it.  The first few days of their
> >introduction,
> >the female took control of one cave and periodically chased the male around
> >the tank aggressively.  About a week into it, she seemed to accept the male
> >and he now joins her frequently in the cave.  She (or he) has dug into the
> >gravel underneath the cave and surrounding it and now has several entrances
> >to the cave.  (They also managed to unearth the undergravel filter bed
> >inside the cave...now have learned that a filter should have been in the
> >gravel to prevent this...)  She spends quite a bit of time in the cave but
> >have not seen any eggs/fry so far.
> >
> >I'm wondering if the likelihood of their pairing to breed is probable based
> >on their behavior.  (The shop I bought them at also had an albino pair that
> >had bred successfully multiple times but I ended up getting these two
> >instead.)
> >
> >Also wondering if the albino pair is rare.
> >
> >Thanks for any information/advice you can provide.
> >
> >Sandy Erickson
> >
> >
> >
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