Don (aka Zman) :) Very cool to hear what you can spawn in different size tanks. I like to store this info away as what can work. I use to do 10 gallons, with occasional sawed off tens as 6 gallons or so, had some spawn in that as well. When I visited Soares and later when he was up at my fish room we discussed 20's. He said I should switch or consider it. I did eventually switch out, nicer to grow plants in 20's as well. Also, these days with my hours I can't do weekly water changes and the 20's are more stable water wise, I can neglect them a bit, and not worry the female or male will kill each other, or that they will die. Not that I advocated 20's and less frequent water changes, out of necessity it has worked well for me. The down side is now I have less tanks, and hence keep less species of fish. I think the key thing is plant density. Collecting these guys sometimes I would only be in 2-3 inches of water. When I hit 6 inches I was out of apisto range and catching other things I was less interested in. I could get all I wanted by collecting in ankle deep or shallower water. Found some beautiful Cory. pygmaeus in 1-2 inches, just incredible. It blew my mind how shallow they were, and I collected in the wet season when the densities are low. So it makes sense that small tanks should work well. When I do high density fish, high density plants help a lot as well. Take Care Kathy On Sat, 29 Jan 2000 wrote: > Hi Kathy, You knew the Z-Man would answer. Of my 76 tanks I have only > 13-5gal, 51- 10 or 12 gal (12 gal of the home-made variety) and the rest are > larger. My article I sent you was titled "Apsitogrammas MY Way) and I do mean > MY. I the 5's I am breeding A. agassisi (2 varieties), A. cacatuoides, A. > gibbiceps, A. steindachneri & Blue Rams. I have found that the Apisto species > with the high dorsal such as A. meinkeni, A. iniridae AND a few others such > as the A. nijsseni you mention do need much more room but I can only give > them a 10 with lots of cover. Funny thing is Taeniacara candidi which is > smaller than most all if not all Apistos, I need a "30 breeder" to > successfully keep them from killing each other. But they spawn OK. > I guess what I can do, you can't do & what you can do, I can't do. > Whenever I get some fish from another breeder, they tell me just how to do it > but it never works me, so I (and we) have to experiment until we find out > what works for us. I am sure that no two fishroom spawing set-ups are the > same. If everyone bred their fish the same way, we all would have 100's of > Apisto fry that we can't unload. Getting back to the 5's, many times I select > a soon to spawn pair from a larger tank and put them in the 5 only until the > eggs are laid and out comes the male. I have been doing this very > successfully with some A. cacatuoides I have been working with, trying to > come up with a nice strain of "Orange Flash". > Don "Z-Man" Zilliox > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This is the apistogramma mailing list, > For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, > email > Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"! > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!