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Re: ocean Aquarium & Aggies (was Mayland and Bork)

Thanks for your words. Indeed I myself have waxed poetic on the list
about Ocean Aquarium when others have asked about a good Apisto spot in
the Bay Area. For me it goes beyond fish even (but then I suppose every
aspect of our love for things aquatic does so). It is so wonderful to
find a place that epitomizes true passion elevated to an art in this
time of homogenizing market forces. I suppose Apisto themselves
represent a kind of endless variety and wondrous locally adapted
complexity to some of us. Maybe that is part of the attraction. (Sorry
for the undisciplined rambling). Recently Justin had A. macmasteri  and
A. bitaeniata (but only good males of each) too. I have not seen the A.
nijsseni  there, but have seen a variety of the others. I will mention,
since some on the list are in constant search of P. taeniatus, that he
has Nigerian green right now, as well as quite a few Nigerian red that
were raised in the store.

In regard to my aggies, I was considering siphoning out the new brood,
but I suppose I will leave them for now. All my tanks are very heavily
planted; that is the way I prefer it. There is lots of cover for all.
When the kids get larger I will take your advice and move the parents.
This is in fact what I did with the mom of my A. sp rotkeil (after she
unfortunately beat up the father). That brood is growing up quite nicely
in a heavily planted tank.


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