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Re: checking water parameters

Kathy  (Erik),

What does Erik use as a Ca/MgCo3 source-- I have the same problem with the
plants in my 90 gallon. I recently tried using oyster shells, but I ended up
with water with a pH of 7.5 and GH-4 KH 3. My goal is to keep the pH acidic
and slightly increase the alkalinity and general hardness while still
keeping the tanks suitable for SA dwarfs.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy Olson <kathy@thekrib.com>
To: <apisto@majordomo.pobox.com>
Cc: <Apisto@admin.listbox.com>
Sent: February 13, 2000 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: checking water parameters

> John,
> Hi, we noticed this with Seattle water as well.  Soft water, tap pH close
> to 7 (high 6's)but drops rapidly depending on what is in the
> tank (ie Bogwood, oak
> leaves etc.).  ppm is about 10-20.
> In the summer the water parameters change....the water is harder, and a
> little more alkaline.  Discovered this doing some routine checking oh two
> or so years ago.  We figured it was because the water sat around in the
> resevoir in the summer, but was more likely direct rain runoff in the
> winter.   Someone else had it much rougher, moved 25 minutes across
> town...they don't keep discuss anymore.
> But back to the point, yes we notice a seasonal variation. I haven't run
> into problems with the apisto's.  Now in Erik's high light grow out
> tank....the plants turned white when the calcium dropped too low.  So he
> adds Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium carbonate....makes me shudder every
> time....but he spawned the wild caught tetra's we brought back from the
> Rio Negro.....so it still works.  There must be something else in that
> clean water that triggers the spawning.  Oh yeah...in my tanks....the
> snails loose their shells...especially noticeable right now.  I have had
> one big snail I was saving for a friends puffer for over a year, he is an
> inch in size, but I have stepped up water changes now, and he just lost
> his shell and became apisto food.
> Enough rambling...
> Kathy
> On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, John Wubbolt wrote:
> >
> > Well my point here is, sorry for going on and on, that i always thought
> > my tap water was a pH of 7.0 and 60 ppm hardness.   Of course the last
> > time i checked it was during the summer months before i moved.   I only
> > moved 1.5 miles down the road and was on the same town water system so I
> > didn't think it would have changed.  But then realizing that our town
> > water actually comes from the local Raquette River and run through a
> > water filtration plant, I didn't take into account that water in the
> > winter might have different make up then the water in the summer dry
> > months would have.
> >
> > So I guess from now on i'll have to check my water more often.
> > Question here for everyone?   Can water get too soft for apistos and can
> > it be too acidic for them?   I know with water like this with no
> > buffering capabilities, it can drift down pretty quick in planted tanks.
> > I've been getting quite a few spawns lately and wasn't sure if it was
> > due to water conditions or me doing better water changes then during the
> > summer time.    Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.   With water
> > like this i should be keeping more discus then I already do.   Anyone
> > looking for great water, there's lots of places for rent in town!!!!
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
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