More on the Mike to write a book campaign: What is missing in the apisto (or soft water dwarf) book market is the big picture, we all know what it is like when you want to reference something, its a bit of Linke & Staeck, a bit of Mayland and Bork, a few other assorted general books and a trip round the world by web - then a raid round your sub-conscious for anything more that 'I'm sure I read that somewhere', and then as a last gasp remembering which bit of furniture you had stopped wobbling with a TFH book. And very few of these sources navigate too well. What Mike has got is; a good vernacular writing style, a good knowledge, access to the other great minds (am I pushing the flattery angle too hard), and the skill to interpret the facts and disseminate them in a way we can all comprehend. (At the moment I'm trying to remember who said 'the definition of genius is the ability to make the complex understandable' - mind you knowing my luck it will have been somebody of no credibility.) Come on Mike give it a go, or even try a stab at a plan first. Then if you want I'll do all the technical editing stuff gratis (even including the indexing - and I'll tell you that's more painful than writing a book in the first place). The book in bits to the ASG is a great idea - I might even get personally organised enough to join. Scot ________________________________________________________________________________ This message has been checked for all known viruses by the Star Screening System http: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!