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Re: n bimaculata?

Vinny Kutty wrote:
> Mike Wise wrote:
> > Gary,
> >
> > If you keep asking these interesting questions, I'll have written an
> entire book
> > on dwarf cichlids before long. Here goes:
> That's the whole idea, Mike.  :-)  Would you please write a book on the
> subject?  Please tell me you're working on a manuscript...and don't give me
> the excuse that there are so many undescribed species out there - you can
> always fill in the blanks later.  I'll help with the slides - they won't be
> pretty like Bork's but if anyone complains, we'll get that guy with the wet
> noodle to start whipping.

Anyway, if your slides are not so good (and i'm not sure of this) it
won't be a problem. As we all learned and should know, apistos are
described and recognized without colors. So black and white shots will
be the best identifiers ;-)


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