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Re: Rams: wild caught vs. tank bred.


The only thing I can add to Gabriella's message is that every fish that you plan
on going into a community tank should quarantined. A 10 gallon quarantine tank is
one of the cheapest forms of insurance your community tank can have.

Mike Wise

"Beaudry, Kyle : SEN" wrote:

> Hello again to all
> This is a bit of an add-on to Chad's question about interbreeding wilds and
> tank breds.
> I have two blue rams of which the male is the common variety and the female
> is supposedly wild caught.
> (At least that is what the manager of the LFS told me.) I've had them for
> about a month now, the male is doing fine.
> They are both in my 55g comm. with my A. cacas who regularily chase the rams
> out of their "territory". Since being introduced into this environment the
> female has never shown the absolutely beautiful colours she was sporting at
> the store the day I purchased her. She won't drop her black markings, her
> blue won't show and the typically distinct black spot is all mixed in with
> the rest of the black/brown colouring on her sides. Also, she has two tiny
> white spots on her caudal fin and what appears to be a very small whitish
> growth on one of her pectorals.  Her demeanor seems normal, she eats well,
> even fights Mr. Pl*co for the algae wafers.
> The fact that they may never breed is not my main concern in that I can't
> even get a viable batch from my apistos. My question is how do I identify
> these spots and if I can't do I quarantine her? Also, should I be
> segregating her from the other more territorial fish in this tank?
> If I could find a suitable mate for her I would eventually like to try and
> breed her but for now her health is my main concern.
> Thanx in advance.
> Kyle
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