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RE: tank ideas

Just have to plug for the black neon tetra again. They tend to stay in the upper regions of the tank (higher than most other tetras). As a bonus they tend to school very well - with the right aquascape in a 90 they will move around in a tight formation all the time.

/Fredrik Nilsson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stepanova, Lilia [mailto:Lilia.Stepanova@stjude.org]
> Sent: den 3 oktober 2000 19:23
> To: 'apisto@listbox.com'
> Subject: tank ideas
> 	Hi guys,
> 	I am getting a 90 g tank soon (my first!), and want to 
> turn it into
> community south american fish tank.
> 	Getting it stocked will take a while, but the general idea is to
> have cacatoos for the bottom, couple of pairs of angels,
> 	Blue rams and neons for the mid-waters. 
> 	Ideas/suggestions?
> 	What would you recommend for the top third of the tank? I need
> something interesting, nice and multiplying if possible.
> 	Thanks,
> 	Lilia
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