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RE: TDS & pH Meters

I received my pair from Hanna yesterday also and started immediately
fiddling with them.
My tapwater reads tds  158ppm at a pH of 7.4 .I lower my ph down to 6.6~6.2
with CO2 Injection and peat filtration in my 75g.
The  holding tank for waterchanges reads a tds at 150 ppm- peat filtration
My growout and breeding tanks measured between 150~170ppm.
Are these readings TDS considered good (soft) for apistos?Chemistry and
physics classes are so long ago.I understand that there is no direct
relationship between hardness and tds.What tds do you all shoot for ,around
a 100ppm?
Z-man do you have to keep the pH meter in a holding solution like Hanna's
manual suggests? Any recommendations?BTW,know I understand how you dropped
them in a tank :),almost happened to me last night.

-----Original Message-----
> From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
> [mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of WnyZman@aol.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 3:02 PM
> To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
> Subject: TDS & pH Meters
> Just wanted to say that Hanna was great as I have already revceived my 2
> meters ordered in just 7 days. BTW, I called them on the 800# instead of
> through the Internet. Both are just like the one's I purchased
> over 10 years
> ago but eventually dropped them in the tanks. Those worked great
> and I assume
> these will also.
>     Z-Man
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