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Re: Apisto book

 > Actually, this is not a new book, unless it is now published in a
> second edition. The complete title is "Erfolg mit Zwergcichliden"
> (Success with Dwarf Cichlids). It was published in Germany in 1994,
> but is actually an expanded version of an earlier magazine supplement
> from Aqua-Magazine (Tokyo) by Matsuzaka, et al. It has some beautiful
> photograph, but will not replace books presently published in English.
> If you like these photos, try getting a copy of the Yamazaki, et al.
> (1997) Tropical Fish Collection 6: South American Dwarf Cichlid (IBSN:
> 4-938780-24-0; ¥2719). Photos in this book are superb with many
> species pictured in it that are just now entering the European & North
> American hobby. In Japan it is called the "Pisces book" because it is
> published by Pisces Publishers Co. Ltd. With all the books and
> articles coming out of Japan, it looks like I may have to learn
> Japanese!
Thanks for filling in the gaps Mike, that's the book I'm talking about.
Pete Liptrot
Bolton Museum Aquarium
Le Mans Crescent, Bolton BL1 1SE
01204 332200

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