Hi everyone, I am a spanish breeder, and I have just subscribed to the list. I have been breeding killies for 5 years, and now I am working with reef aquarium and some chiclids: about 40 gold ram which I am trying to breed again, and some angelfish. My question is about angelfish fry, but it could be about any apisto fry. I have about 400 fry, the were free swimming yesterday, but today they are sticked to each other and to the container sides again. I am afraid they are not eating this way, so they are supposed to die if they not swim... It's the first time I see this, any suggestion? Thanks Amer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!