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Re: Nanacara Aureocephalus

I know what you mean about 75 tanks not being enough anymore  so I started
buying plastic barrels cutting them in half and putting fry in them. now 75
tanks and 8 half barrells arent enough!! OH WELL.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Wubbolt" <BigJohnW@webtv.net>
To: <Apisto@admin.listbox.com>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 10:40 PM
Subject: Nanacara Aureocephalus

> Well folks I had to share this with someone.   I now have wigglers that
> Mom is guarding.   She moved them from the original spawning site to
> inside a small flower pot.   Mom isnt beating up dad , nor is dad making
> any attempt to eat the wigglers, so far!!!   Keeping my fingers crossed.
> It would be nice to have them turn out to be really good parents.
> Now the Next good news,  Looks like a have a bonding pair of Crenicichla
> Regani.   I have 2 males and 3 females in a large community tank, and
> two have been hanging out together for the last 3 days, female is
> getting larger in abdomen area but hasnt turned red yet.   Would it be
> wise now to move them to their own tank or should i wait a bit longer to
> see what happens?
> And on top of all this, you should see the pair of Nanochromis
> Transvestitus coloring up in that same tank as the Regani!!
> I need more tanks, i guess 75 isnt enough any more!!   Oh no!!!!!!
> John
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