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Re: albinos

Just adding my 2cs' worth, but I know that in most (all) species (cats
as one example) the pigment missing, melanin, is responsible for a good
connection between the brain and the eye, could it not be that Apistos,
being very active feeders, have more problems than most if they're

-----Original Message-----
From: John Wubbolt <BigJohnW@webtv.net>
To: apisto@listbox.com <apisto@listbox.com>
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2001 12:35 AM
Subject: RE: albinos

Ok my .02 worth here,

I"ve never seen an albino apisto.  With all the fry i've raised over the
years, never had one pop up in any batchs or i would have singled it

I keep albino Kribs and my pair does have alot of color to them when in
spawning mode.   I would love to get my hands on any species of albinos,
not that they could ever rival the colors of normal pigmented species,
but just for the chance to work with albinos!


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