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Re: Dead cacatos

Fish TB?  OK, that sounds bad.  I assume there's no cure?  So here's my question, what do I do with the fish that are left in the tank?

I see a couple possible scenarios:
1.  The fish survive.  Is it then safe to add more fish (in a month or two) or are will the surviving fish be acting as carriers and infect any additions?

2.  The fish don't survive.  What measures would I then have to take to sanitize the tank before restocking?


Couldn't the symptomes that were described concerning the A.   Cacatuoides death and danios behavior fit with tuberculosis?       FLI USA    Yvan Alleau
712 Kings boulevard
97330 Corvallis,   Oregon
home # 738-0606
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric   Sciences
Oregon State University
office (Burt 222) # 737-3649, to be used   wisely !
yalleau@oce.orst.edu    "When you're far from everything, you're getting closer to the   essential"       >>

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