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Re: That V-word thing

Hi Erik,

I also got a similar file.  It was from "apisto (something)" I forget as I
deleted it out of my trash too already.  It was a '.pif' file.  It just replied
to me and said "Take a look at this" and had the file attached to it.  I found
that odd and not trusting it, deleted it right away.


Erik Olson wrote:

> I'm on the list and I did not get this reply.  Therefore, I propose one of
> the following things is happening:
>   * Jerry, your machine ITSELF is infected and sent you the message, or
>   * one of our other readers (most likely the one with the yahoo address) is
>     compormised and is automatically replying to the SENDER of said message.
> If it's the latter case, then this message itself should trigger a
> response from said reader.  We'll see.  Who was the e-mail
> address "from" with the reply?
>   - Erik
> PS:  Have deleted original subject line and message body, lest the program
> detect certain words starting with V or relating to subject.
> PPS: Hi everyone, still listening... our apistos are doing fine. :)
> --
> Erik Olson
> erik at thekrib dot com
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