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Re: blue ram sudden fry death

I think Mike J. posted here before that Rams like perfect conditions to raise their youngens in.The question is what is perfect?I've been succesful with Rams in a species only tank(10g). I move the female out after hatching and let the male take over the brood care.My males have been wonderful fathers so far and haven't eaten a fry yet.We wrote a Ram breeding journal on the TDA site (which is now back online).It contains a lot of helpful tips I got from people here and a link to the Z-man Ram breeding article with more great tips.

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From: "Joe Anderson" <the_submariner@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: apisto@listbox.com
To: apisto@listbox.com
Subject: Re: blue ram sudden fry death
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 16:01:28 +0000

my laetacara pair does the same thing. I'd be prone to agree with thsi
conclusion. if it were anything other than the parents, then a gradual
visual clue would should have been more evident.
my laetacara eat either the eggs or the fry due to temp fluctuations or
suddent changes in area outside tank. Very peculiar pair this one. ive
only been able to raise one batch to free swimming, by taking them away from
My 2 cents,
Joe Anderson
Oklahoma City Aquarium Association

----Original Message Follows---- From: Brian Ahmer <ahmer.1@osu.edu> Reply-To: apisto@listbox.com To: apisto@listbox.com Subject: Re: blue ram sudden fry death Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 11:44:04 -0400

My blue ram fry always disappear after a few days.  I assume either
the parents get stressed about protecting them from other fish and
then eat them, or that other fish eat them.  I think since they all
disappear at once and it's often before they're swimming around a
lot, I think the parents are eating them.

[Max Gallade]
I can only think of three possibilities ,starvation,predation or ph swing.
I noticed that my Ram fry don't pick that much on Java moss or Algae for

[John McCrone]
I was going to mention that the fry seemed to be looking for food in the
water column rather than picking like my apisto fry have done in the past.
assume that with starvation I would have seen a more gradual die-off as at
least some should have found drifting food.

Thanks for the offer of microworms - but I live in UK and they might not
travel. I did set up an infusoria culture, but it hadn't got going. My plan
was to mash up some daphnia and mosquito larva and see if they would eat
that - but then they all disappeared.

[Max Gallade]
Do you use CO2 injection during the day and night in your tank?
Any other fish in the tank?

[John McCrone]
No CO2. No other fish. If it is pH swing, then why are they fine for a few
days then wham?

Another odd thing was that I couldn't spot any dead bodies - even in the
breeding trap I could only find one. Perhaps snails made fast work of them.
It's all very strange.

from John McCrone

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Brian Ahmer

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