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RE: Mike's Database Please!

I don't know whether to be scared or impressed. On one hand your using
Mickeysoft Access for your database. On the other hand you've actually
constructed a useful database with relevant data that you are able to use. A
singular feat on par with turning lead into gold! It does diminish my
respect of you just a smidge though. I thought you were just recalling all
this pertinent info on apisto's of the top of your head. Ah well, the sad
loss of another childhood myth. If this keeps up I may have to grow up and
face reality. truly a scary possibility.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
[mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of Mike & Diane Wise
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 10:34 AM
To: apisto@listbox.com
Subject: Re: Mike's Database Please!


My main data base (on Access 97) includes the
following fields:
Name - (species only, since this is only on the
Genus Apistogramma. If the genus is ever split,
then I will have to add a genus field).
Other Names - (junior synonyms, common &
commercial names)
Author - (of original description or primary
article for undescribed species)
Date - (of article above)
Species-group & Species-complex - (for the past
few years I had both 'old' & 'new' sets of fields
for groups/complexes. Now I can ditch the old
system since Koslowski has published his new
Distribution -
Notes - (for additional relevant facts)
Reference - (either original scientific
description or primary article on undescribed

Using this base I can pull out pretty much
whatever I want.

Mike Wise

William Vannerson wrote:

>  >>>by Bill Vannerson 04/9/2002 Since you asked
> ... I'd like to see 2 text files, either fixed
> length or comma separated format. Table 1 would
> be the main table with five fields: Genus -
> Species    (i.e., A.
> borellii)GenusSpeciesGroupComplex Table 2 would
> be the locaiton table with three
> fields:GenusSpeciesLocation                (like
> the killies) I would then convert it into an
> Access table and from there, import it into my
> Palm Vx using HanDbase database application.  I
> did this with the Killifish Master File IV
> produced by Dr. Ken Lazara, which actually took
> some doing as I converted the web pages found on
> the Arizona Rivulin Keepers web site
> (http://ark.killi.net/).  However, it doesn't
> have location code data, which is published in
> Wild Collections of Killifish by Roger W.
> Langdon, so I'm missing that portion of the
> data.  I have written Roger about integrating
> his data into my database, but he has not
> responded yet. Mike, I'd be happy to send you a
> sample copy of these files for you to see the
> structure (simple, really).  But I can't make it
> available to everyone as it's copyrighted
> material and I cannot distribute it without the
> author's permission.   Bill Vannerson
> McHenry, IL
> http://vannerson.home.att.net/

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