>>>I've six wee Sub's, and depending upon what
happens, the Killies will either be dithers, targets, or 'ornaments.' I'm
hoping the latter... <<<
Actually, depending upon the killie, it's the sub's that may
become targets. No kidding. Some Fundulopanchax garneri (GAR) are
down right mean, even though they are considered a beginner's killie. Some
people have success with mixing them in a community setting while others, with
the very same species, have nothing but problems. You can go ahead and
experiment, but do so carefully and at your own risk. :-) And be
ready to yank one or the other out of the tank. I speak from experience
with a lonely heart male GAR in a tank of Lake Tanganykan cichlids!
BTW, The Lineatu (LIN) are not from Africa. They
originally were collected from India (and Cylon?). You might want to look
for an Epiplatys species for your experiment. They stay near the top and
have reasonable dispositions. Or you can try finding some lampeyes.
But they will be hard to find and more expensive. They also require very
clean, oxegenated water to be successful with them.
Remember, the worse case scenario is that you have to yank
them out and put them in a small tank by themselves. Of course by then
you'll be hooked, and the only thing worse than a Cichl-idiot is a Killie
As far as availability, join the killie list and join the
AKA. There are plennty of folks to help out and suply fish (via the
mail). You can learn more from the AKA web site (www.aka.org). There's also a photo galery of
many killies there.
BTW, the AKA National Convention is in St. Louis this memorial
day weekend. There will be hundreds of the most colorful little fish
displayed in one hotel. If you have never seen a live killie and can get
to St. Louis, you will not be disappointed. Just remember to bring a
flashlight and plenty of batteries (trust me).