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Miua question

Hi all,

I must say I'm pretty confused with my sp. "Miua". I went
through the whole net and feel lost. Pls help.
I had already wrote this before, but just to remind (if
anyone remembers ;-):
I have a trio with only one female (at least that's what I
thought up till now).
The males have orange cheeks and a few slighlty extended
rays in the middle of caudal fins. the female doesn't have
the orange cheeks, but she has nice orange inferior and
superior fringes of the caudal. the rays of the caudal fins
are also a bit (less than the males) extended. She is almost
the same size as the males - perhaps 1/5 inch smaller. I
never made them spawn, so I haven't seen her in the "wedding
dress". there are no other differencies.
I remember seeing some photos showing those fish and
identifying them as adequately male and female, but they
shown younger fish.

Now what I read? The female should be about 2" TL in
comparison to male's 3. furthermore I don't see any more
photos of females with orange fringes on the caudal. Is it
possible, that I have 3 males and the species is so
I have some photos, of poor quality, but showing the fish
quite well (max 70kb/photo). If only someone would be so
kind as to put it on a web I would send them to support my

Anyone still with me? :-) Thanks in advance for any help in
clarifying the issue. Perhaps the species info can be
updated with the information from this thread?

Grzegorz Prusinowski

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