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Re: here in Memphis...

Glad your losses wer elimited, it surprises me that
the cories made it, at my house they have shown poor
tolerance for heat. More surprising perhaps to me was
the darters surviving. The rainbows I have seen kept
in an aquarium were highly intolerant of warm water.
You must have really well oxygenated tanks. The
apistos I would expect to take the heat well, it gets
real hot in the places that some of them come from, of
course the darters are from here where it is so hot,
so what do I know ;-)

--- "Stepanova, Lilia" <Lilia.Stepanova@stjude.org>
> Hi guys!
> With all this bru-ha-ha about New York outage (with
> all respects to all losses) here in Memphis less
> than a month ago we got some 2 weeks without
> electricity... It was sad not to find any mention of
> this on cnn or anywhere else... temperatures were in
> 100-110*F ... After first week I started to lose my
> rainbow darters - very beautiful fish... Would scoop
> out a couple every day... Next to go were baby
> angels - I couldn't hatch shrimp for them... After
> that several danios and their babies for my
> daughter's science project were gone... and several
> adult and baby neons...
> But this was the end of losses - ALL apistos were
> fine, adult and adolescent angels were fine, 
> cories, hatchets and other tetras, rest of neons and
> darters (including my favorite male), shiners,
> crawfish... And now no one wants to tell me about
> apisto places in San Diego...
> Regards,
> Lilia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Salvatore Silvestri
> [mailto:chas33@optonline.net]
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 7:15 PM
> To: apisto@v2.listbox.com
> Subject: RE: My support for NY member
> Thanks guys
> My power didn't come back till 2 AM this morning.
> But, fortunately I
> didn't have any casualties!
> Sal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-apisto@v2.listbox.com
> [mailto:owner-apisto@v2.listbox.com]
> On Behalf Of Patrick 'ZapZap' Lin
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 10:45 PM
> To: apisto@v2.listbox.com
> Subject: My support for NY member
> Hi 
> I hope all New-york state member of this list are OK
> I know personally john , and hope everything is Ok
> for him and his fish
> Don't know if other state have problem.
> So they get my support.
> Regards,
> ZapZap
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